Strengthening community, Inspiring life-long learning, Engaging readers.
Your donation to the library will make a difference!
Your donation will:
- buy resources that the budget does not cover
- support new technologies
- fund special projects
- enhance literacy programming
………and so much more!
Dedicate your gift
Donations in memory or in tribute of a special person or event are a wonderful way to honour someone.
Ways to donate:
Monetary Donations
- Make an on-line donation HERE.
- Drop off a donation at either branch
- Mail your donation: complete the form attached HERE and mail to the address indicated.
- Join the Friends of the Library, find out more HERE.
** Donations over $20 will receive a tax receipt.
Material Donations
- Donations of materials can be dropped off at either branch during open hours. See our donation guidelines here.
Volunteer your time
- See staff at either branch to see current volunteer opportunities.